Here at The Hungry Dater we deal with two things that tend to go hand in hand: food and dating.
On the dating side of things, there aren’t many books that have taken the (women’s) dating scene by storm more than Why Men Love Bitches. While I don’t agree with all the advice in the book, most of it is GOLD. It reminds women that we are the chase-ees not the chasers. Remembering we are the prizes and acting accordingly not only helps our self-image and self-worth, but it also strengthens the relationships we find ourselves in.
I have one copy to give away. It’s good for both marrieds and singles alike as some (though not all) of the advice applies to multiple types of relationships.
So comment below if you’d want to win a copy of this awesome book.
The winners for all 12 Days of Giveaways (Reloaded) will be announced on January 31!
***Purchase below if you just can’t wait!!!
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