Happy Wednesday! And welcome to the second of our four-series called “How to Attract ‘the One’ with the Law of Attraction.”
In “Part 1“, we discussed the “planning” stages of utilizing the law of attraction to attract your perfect mate. The planning includes: doing some self-searching to know exactly what it is you want, and then looking into the reasons you may be subconsciously holding yourself back from that.
This month, we’re looking at the first set of the “action” steps that must be taken to meet that special someone.
The Law of Attraction Still Requires Action
Now, in my experience, most people would consider “action” steps to be things like: putting an online profile up, getting a nice haircut, and refurbishing your wardrobe. Of course, I’m a proponent of all those things. I think the more you to do put yourself out there and feel good about yourself, the easier it will be to meet someone amazing. However, when we’re talking about “actions” in regards to the law of attraction, we’re talking about taking mental steps to prepare yourself for and attract to yourself exactly the life you want.
Remember those inner restrictions we talked about last time? Time to start working your way out of them. For instance, all the reasons you tell yourself you haven’t found “the one” yet: Time to get over it. The only reason you haven’t met them is YOU. You are the holdup. You’re allowed to have what you want, so it’s time to realize these subconscious thoughts are only hurting and limiting you.
Use Your Language as a Map to Your Beliefs
Sometimes it’s difficult to see exactly what these beliefs are. We’ve been cultivating and supporting them in our own personas for so long that we don’t even know they’re there. The easiest way to discover these hidden minefields of your mind is to start watching what you say to other people about yourself—that will reveal your thoughts. A great example of this is self-deprecating humor.
Self-deprecating humor is the great reveal-er of our inner beliefs. Of course, we all say “I’m just being funny,” but behind any joke is SOME level of truth or belief. When I referred to myself as the “single girl who helps all the other singles negotiate the perils of dating,” I stayed a single girl dealing with perilous dates. Under that giggle was a belief I was feeding. As soon as I changed my language to “I’m a girl looking for my perfect one and helping others do the same through food,” my whole life changed.
Sabotage and Protection are One in the Same
After you investigate your self-deprecating humor and start cutting that shit out, it will be easier to start trailing your thoughts. You’ll start to notice things you might be doing to a) sabotage yourself; or b) PROTECT yourself. That’s right. So much of this language we use on ourselves is for our own protection. We hedge. “I like my single life so much, I’m good either way.” This is hedging. You WANT something. When you hedge, you sabotage your ultimate goal by telling the universe you’re ok with something “less than.” You have to tell the universe exactly what you want. Let yourself WANT IT! That’s the only way you’ll get it. Say you want the perfect relationship.
The more you listen to your own thoughts, the more you can change them to reflect your desires.
What You Put into Your Body (and Mind), the Law of Attraction will Give Back
As I was doing this self exploration regarding my own language around my relationship status, I realized something else: it’s not just my own language that’s important, but it’s everything I listen to, watch, hang out with, and experience that also influences my outcome. I know it sounds strange, but if I’m spending days at a time watching SVU, my relationship always gets a little bit more rocky. But if I’m on a high of Gilmore Girls and RomComs, in addition to hanging with people who are high energy and supportive, my entire energy—and my entire life—shifts for the better right along with it. Crazy, I know, but I swear it’s true. Try it! See what happens when you put yourself on a “negativity fast.” That shit works.
Change Your Language, Change Your (Love)Life
So there it is. Your first steps to finding your perfect mate, job, house, or life… CHANGE YOUR LANGUAGE. All of it. Both inner and outer, absorption and egress. Make every word, thought, article, meme, TV show, joke, innermost belief, and comment work toward exactly the life you desire. I promise, you’ll get it.
***For a great list of books to help you get started with this study, click here.
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