Good morning, Daters! And the happiest of holiday seasons to you! This has been a busy one for me as the 12 Days of Giveaways is ACTUALLY happening on time this year! I don’t know if any of you remember, but last year it happened in January (blagh) because my old hosting company lost my. Entire. Site. And I couldn’t get anything posted for those 12 days! This year, we’re on track for all 12 days to be IN December. Not only that, but we’ll have our regular number of posts, AND Hungry Dater and Kilt and Cork have collaborated this year to bring you the 12 Days of Cocktails starting the day after the Giveaways! Hopefully you won’t be overwhelmed by all the emails, but at least they’ll all be wonderfully fun and exciting during this festive and fabulous time of year!
So here are the rules:
For the next 12 Days I will post a giveaway for the day at approximately 5:00 am Pacific Time. Each Giveaway is different and while you’ll probably know what is being given, you won’t know when. I want it to be a surprise!
When you see something you just have to have, go to the post itself on, sign up for our email list, and comment on the bottom of the post. This is super important. Last year, there was some confusion and many people responded to the emails or commented on the Facebook posts instead.
If you’re already on the email list, no need to do it again, but make sure you’re actually signed up!
The next morning, when the new Day is posted, the previous days’ winner will be contacted. We’re doing it that way this year because we want to make sure for those of you who might be giving your giveaway away for a Christmas present, that you have it within a good amount of time.
So with that in mind, welcome to The Hungry Dater’s 12 Days of Giveaways!
Today’s giveaway is super basic, but it is one of my absolute FAVORITE things at Christmas time. I don’t really love to eat it, I just love it’s beauty. I’m 99% sure it’s not really as cool as I think it is, but it’s completely nostalgic for me so that’s why I love it so much. Today’s kickoff giveaway is a box of traditional ribbon candy!
So welcome to the first day of 12 Days of Giveaways! Make sure to post your comments below ON THIS POST if you want to enter today’s giveaway. The winner will be contacted tomorrow. 🙂 Happy Holidays!
Love ribbon candy!