As a kid, I was a relatively picky eater. I’d like to think I’m not anymore, though, I have to say, I still occasionally hold on to those old stubborn picky qualities occasionally. For instance, I don’t think you’ll ever catch me eating a bug, slug, rodent, etc., just because it’s a delicacy in some far off country. I guess I can’t say that for sure? Perhaps I’ll end up super curious? But I seriously doubt it. When I was young, however, this pickiness was a bit more extensive. It covered both types of foods and preparation styles.
As such, when my mom announced she was going to start grilling fruit I was skeptical at best. However, with this recipe from the local cooking school, Nothing To It, was exactly the type of recipe that was going to achieve getting me to eat something which I perceived as odd. Today, I use it as a side or a dessert alike! For a side, it does best with other grilled foods or Mexican food of some kind. As a dessert, pair it with Vanilla or Coconut ice cream and you’ll be instantly transported to a tropical vacation. 🙂
1/2 Cup Packed Brown Sugar
1/2 Cup Tequila (I use the good stuff for almost everything… Except this–you’re just burning it off. No use wasting super good tequila on that. Just use whatever you have.)
1 Large Pineapple cut in disks or rings
Mix the tequila and sugar in a bowl with a pastry brush until the sugar is mostly dissolved.
Put the pineapple directly on the grill over a medium-high heat.
Consistently paint the tequila mixture on the pineapple until it’s completely finished after flipping the disks at least twice.
Take off the grill and serve warm either on the side of your meal or with ice cream as a dessert.
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